Saturday, February 8, 2025 | Toby Opferman

Free Applications

The software provided on this page is without warranty and provided "as is" for personal use. The user should use caution and run this software at their own risk. Resale or commerical use of these products is not permitted. The software on this page was written as practice and is provided here only as sample programs for those who may find them useful. While I will accept comments, bug reports and suggestions the software is considered legacy and is not under any on going development or support.

Space Invaders x64
A new version of the Space Invaders games with a cross between asteroids and Galactia.

This is a sample Raycaster I implemented but never finished the game.

Amelia's Big Adventure
This is a 2D scroller I wrote for Amelia but I never finished the full game.

QuickView: System Explorer
This was an application developed which took commonly used feature of various tools and combined them into a single tool. The tool was never meant to replace the other tools but rather be a first stop analysis tool before deciding if the more advanced features of the other tools are necessary.

Programmer's Detox
This is a collection of utilities including an updated version of QuickView (version 1.1) that contains some bug fixes.

Multidesk 2001
Based on MultiDesk 2000 source code, the code was revamped to separate the UI from the engine. This allows an easy implementation to include multidesk features into any application through the new API set. Also added more desktops and universal applications.

Multidesk 2K
Additional features and a rewrite in C from the original Multi-Desk. Contains features to prevent hangs on stuck applications, etc as well as new hot keys.

3D Tic Tac Toe
This is a more advanced version of Tic Tac Toe in which there are 4 boards of 16 squares allowing many ways to win. The game is to be played by two people across a network.

This is a multiple desktop application which was written to be supported on Windows NT and Windows 9x/ME platforms.

Euler's Method
A mathematics application written for school.

Chat Program
This is a simple example of a chat application that runs over TCP/IP.

Draw Poker
This is a draw poker game you can play against the computer.

Space Invaders (Windows)
Almost like the old classic game of Space Invaders for Windows.

Tic Tac Toe
This is the classic Tic Tac Toe game.

This is "PONG" for Windows.

Space Invaders (DOS)
Almost like the old classic game of Space Invaders for DOS.

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Professional software engineer with over 15 years...

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